Saturday, August 14, 2010

the new FTMs

Caroline and Graham playing hard while we helped start the new First Time Moms group. We're graduating to moms of toddlers.

playing house

sharing turn
your turn... Graham trying to strap himself into Lynlee's car seat

Friday, August 13, 2010

Memorial park pics

I wanted to get some good pictures of Caroline in her sweet yellow cross dress from Nana. (We tried this outfit with Cassie, but it was the 3rd wardrobe change, and she just didn't want to have anything to do with it!) So I decided to take her to Memorial Park where Tripp and I had our engagement pictures taken to get some of her.
Let's take this bracelet off...
Hey, where did my bracelet go?

Take the bow off too
And then the whole rest of the time, she was wondering where the bracelet and the bow went...

Are we done yet?!

Sunday, August 8, 2010

More from Cassie

Favorites from Cassie

My friend Cassie took Caroline's 1 year pictures, and these are a few of our favorites.